Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Three Untitled Poems

The label on the can of Easy Cheese says that
you don't need to refrigerate it

He read it out loud and frowned

But it's still cheese...isn't it?

Later I noticed he had put it in the fridge

That doesn't tell you everything you need to know about him
but it's a good place to start


We live here, inside our heads

And when I would repeat what she said
I would add the gesture
of tapping my index finger to my temple

And we hold onto people so tightly
out of fear
less afraid to upset them than to watch them walk away

I agreed, yes, that was the case


My second cousins on my dad's side are all adult men

They look like cartoon goober thugs
like disgruntled suburban toys
on the brink of figuring out how little they stand to lose

One of them has a mustache
and a highly ambigious chin/neck situation

He brought with him an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen
which we all ate at the table
at 3 p.m.
in Bismarck, North Dakota

After we had finished he turned to me

You look like you want to have another piece

And I promised to take care of myself
and to never be alone in a room with him